The toxic queer feminism

You know what’s sad? Actually, I did not want to write this text. Actually, I wanted to make a video out of it, but I can’t do that. If I were to make a video of it, my channel would be destroyed and deleted within days, if not hours. It’s shameful that in a democratic country, you can’t express your democratic opinion without destroying the person who dares to express it. The YouTube channel would be history before feminism was spoken. So the only way left for me is to use my website as a platform.

AlexxTV, 12-29-2022

Feminism can be a great thing. It can change the way we look at the world and how we treat ourselves and women. On the other hand, real feminism is not anti-male, at least until 2nd wave feminism.

When 3rd wave feminism swept across the world, everything just changed, and this one was also the beginning of the end of common sense. Hatred of men became chronic. Since then, sweeping generalizations have been made and also affect men who have nothing whatsoever to do with the world view of the 60s, 70s and 80s. The modern man has adapted and respects the woman and her rights without reservation. Of course, there are also black sheep among men, especially from the southern region or the Islamic world, where the woman is, well, let’s say subordinate to the man. But even among Western men, there are rednecks and machos who think that women are worth less than men and that they should be considered as toys.

But this does not justify the blanket hatred of all men in this world, and it does not justify that every man now lives with a birth guilt from the fact that he has an XY chromosome and a penis.

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Despite this idiocy, until then we could still live with the fact that 3rd wave feminists are simply uneducated idiots who are very loud and annoy us until they get their way. And my dear readers, they did. And how they have.

From that point on, feminists were no longer feminists. They were feminists and misogynistic men and women, toxic men and toxic women. They were denying feminism to rational thinking people who were working for true equality and equal rights, declaring them misogynists, bullies, liars, and many more. And even with that, we could still deal, albeit with a stomachache.

We have endured being hated, we have endured being blamed for behavior of our ancestors who had a completely different worldview than we modern people and we have endured the stupidity of 3rd wave feminists when they blamed us for all the crimes of this world whether we are male or female. And whoever thought now that this was the tip of the iceberg was extremely wrong, because: It came worse. Much worse.

Corona brought out the worst in people

In 2020, we were overrun by a devil called Corona, and it is still raging today. While the Corona effects are not as dramatic today as they were in the beginning, some people still had too much time and boredom to look for anything to attack head-on.

They invented over 100 genders that exist only in their imagination, turned bisexuality into umpteen other sexualities like PAN etc. To the 100 social genders they added invented biological genders for which there is no evidence in the scientific sense, nor genetic or biological evidence. All they have is a thesis that cannot be proven and is based on pseudo-mindset science.

It has long been quiet and harmonious between heterosexual and queer people. But it was not to stay that way, as a new movement set out to destroy everything that generations before them had nevertheless achieved with blood, imprisonment, death and exclusion, as well as intolerance and hatred. We were accepted, we were integrated into society as it should be, we were treated as equals, we got our human rights and yes, we were also allowed to marry and adopt children now. Also with transsexuals everything was peaceful and good. It was understood that dysphoria is not an invented thing, but scientifically proven and that these people reject their gender, or rather sex parts due to a disorder. According to the current state of science and medicine, this disorder can only be corrected by an alignment.

Some people have apparently had so much time in lockdown that they had to destroy everything that was good and accepted. It was no longer enough to be accepted and live your life the way that was best for yourself. Now the idiocy was really rolling. First of all, it was homophobic if a gay man didn’t want to have sex with a transsexual man, or a woman with a transsexual woman as long as she had a penis. It could not and should not be in the eyes of these confused people that every person is allowed to decide for himself what is good for himself or not. One demanded now homosexual people to have sex with transsexual people. It should be a duty, because otherwise one was homophobic. But it was not only homosexual people who had to deal with it, but also heterosexual people, because you were considered transphobic if you did not want to have sex with a transsexual man or woman. A madness that is unparalleled.

But of course, that was not enough. The madness really started, because the tsunami has been unleashed. As a part of queer feminism was now further branded. A new part of the ideology was now that also supposedly non-binary people and apparently also refrigerators were allowed to call themselves trans. A new umbrella was stretched and everything that was not “CIS” or homosexual suddenly became trans. Of course, this also applies to unicorns and hedgehogs in leather outfits (editor’s joke). Transsexual now became transsexual and transgender, the latter being gross nonsense and an insult to every transsexual person in this world, since queer feminists now also spit on them when they are criticized by them for their idiocy.

The insanity also continues to the extent that people who are not transsexual but transgender have started to have hormones prescribed to them or have their breasts removed without having dysphoria. A disastrous trend that is emerging here. But even that is not enough, of course, because there is plenty of room in the playground of the new and dangerous queer ideology that is emerging here.

As in any play of light, there are shadows. People who have come back to their senses wake up to a nightmare. Among the former queer feminists, those who have realized that the transition, or amputation of external sex characteristics, was a fatal mistake are now coming to light. They realized that they are now missing their genitals. In this case, the only thing that can be done is an expensive detransition. Of course, here too there are people who do not want to be quiet and want to educate about it. They would like to achieve that one should not be influenced by the woken troop in its decision and that one must weigh up exactly whether it is really so correct for one or not, if one lets itself remove sex parts such as breasts, uterus or penis.

These people are now in the crosshairs of queer feminists who hate their guts. Queer feminists now say they don’t speak for trans people and spread conspiracy theories. They are being showered with hate, threatened with murder, caned, and attempts are being made to ban them from the public eye. But that is not enough. Queer feminists also try to destroy their private lives and careers. Completely.

The years 2021 and 2022 – new insanity and even more dangerous as before!

Did you just think it was over? Did you really think that? If so, I’m sorry to disappoint you. Because queer feminists now have a new group in their sights to conquer: our children!

Yes, you read that right. I’m not kidding. Now they’re demanding that our children be educated in a gender-neutral way and that they choose their own pronouns. And that’s not all. Some parents actually go so far as to influence their children in unnatural ways, forcing fantasy pronouns like them/they on them, putting boys in girls’ clothes and girls in boys’ clothes. The very crazy parents believe to know already in babies and toddlers that they are transsexual or transgender, give them names, according to the imagined gender and educate them accordingly. What such actions do to a child’s soul, we can only guess.

Hand on heart: we all know that children can be real assholes. This is not meant in a bad way, because we were all children and we know how cruel we could be. But imagine the cruelty in the present when boys come to school or kindergarten as girls and vice versa, have the wrong gender name and now have to be with other kids. What happens to the child? It is bullied, beaten and worse. Is that what you want to do to your child in the name of an ideology?

It is one thing for a child to find out for themselves that they do not feel comfortable in their own body, nothing fits and everything feels wrong. Dysphonia usually occurs before puberty, so you realize very early whether you are transsexual or not. It’s the same as with homosexual children. They also notice it either shortly before, or during puberty, that they have no interest in the other, but in the same sex.

However, with transsexuality it is such a thing: There are children who are actually transsexual, where you should go the psychological steps with the child, so that it does not fall into depression or worse. But what you should not do and here most psychologists are sure is to start too early with hormone therapies or even with gender reassignment. This should be done at the age of majority, because the consequences of these interventions can no longer be reversed. Plastic yes, but not so that one can father or give birth to children. Queer feminists demand that even children should go through a transition quickly and without complications. But the consequences? For some it can be happiness on earth, because they have arrived in their body, for others a tsunami of catastrophes, because they either made a wrong decision hastily, or have let themselves be influenced by the tokens and thus ruined their lives. Let the fingers away from the children. They should enjoy their life, without influence from the outside. They will know for themselves whether they are heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual or transsexual. Unfortunately, there is a minority that is so loud that they can massively destroy the lives of thousands of young and also, amazingly, older people by suggesting that they are transsexual or transgender. This madness is also called social engineering. Queer feminists are and remain a danger to the public and to humanity.

Woman or Transwoman, that is the question

Woman or transwoman: Queer feminists argue about this with scientists, experts and medical professionals. Queer feminists and mind scientists are of the opinion that transsexual and transgender women are biological women. All of the rest say no. One does not deny a trans woman being a woman per se, but one distinguishes between a trans woman and a biological woman. If you ask many transsexual women they will say they are trans women, because they are biologically men. This fact cannot be denied, because on the one hand they have XY chromosomes (trans men are biologically also women. They have XX chromosomes), on the other hand they lack all biological processes that make a biological woman. Queer feminists cannot accept facts and are now trying to manipulate biology and make science absurd. Biologists and physicians are attacked, canceled and ruined, ridiculed and they are denied competence, although they themselves have nothing to do with biology and genetics. What an absurdity!

Also media jump on the woken train and spread the same nonsense, which are based on wrongly interpreted statements of scientists. The world is no longer colorful, it has become black and white and ideological. Facts no longer play a role with these people. One almost feels like being in the Inquisition. Either you are for me, or you are against me. If you are against me, I will destroy your life. It is ridiculous.

Gay women and lesbian men?

The madness just won’t stop. In 2022, a new species entered the stage of this world. They call themselves lesbian men and gay women. Both claim that the real homosexual person MUST have sex with. If you refuse to have sex with this species, you are automatically homophobic as a homosexual person. Yes, I know how that sounds. It is ridiculous. This new species has now set out to destroy the safe spaces of lesbian women and gay men and spread into those spaces at any cost. And the politics? Woke, stupid and agrees with it.

Even heterosexual women and men are not safe from the new species, as heterosexual men also identify as women and heterosexual women as men, and also want to infiltrate and destroy the shelters of the respective genders. It is a madness that not even Hollywood could dream up.

No one should be allowed to have shelters for themselves or their peers anymore without someone coming along and saying, “I want in there too, whether you like it or not!” You really seriously wonder if these people just drank lacquer or if they used poor drugs. If you as a normal person want to protect your shelters such as gay sauna, lesbian bar etc. you are homophobic, transphobic and will be fought until you are destroyed or you dismantle their existence. At the end of the story, only debris and hate will remain. And why all this? Because some people are so ideologically blinded that they can no longer distinguish right from wrong, nor are they able to distinguish between reality and ideology.

Hooray, trans feminism has arrived!

Some will now rub their eyes and ask: “what the fu**!”. Rightly so. When I first heard about it, I thought the world had gone completely crazy. Trans feminism is not about feminism, which stands for equal rights and equality. It’s about pure, unadulterated and raw hatred. This hatred is not only directed against heterosexual women or men, it is also directed against lesbian women and homosexual men. The greatest hatred, however, is directed at feminists. There are two types of them. One sees transwomen or transmen as such and says, like science, that they are trans and not comparable to biological women. But they do not deny them the feeling or the fact how they feel and feel. The others say that trans men and trans women are not men or women at all. They are misgendered, in that case wrongly. We are talking about transsexual people here, not transgender people, because there are significant differences.

Whether the “TERFs” or “TURDs” are in the right or not, whether they are right or wrong, one thing is for sure: no one deserves to be threatened. Trans feminists have become extremely radical that they don’t stop at threatening these feminists with murder, with beatings, or who knows what else. Some mentally deranged trans-feminists and feminists have even threatened TERFs and TURDs with rape, because they need to be “properly handled by a trans-penis or trans-vagina in order to come to their senses”. For themselves, trans-feminists take out the right to demonstrate, but everyone else is not allowed to. You can’t be against trans feminism, otherwise you will be destroyed. You must not say anything against trans feminists, otherwise you will be destroyed, and you must not think, otherwise you will be destroyed. It’s best not to breathe either, because that also fuels the hatred in their confused minds.

In Germany, a group of men dared to create a safe space for themselves by opening a Twitter account called JustGay_Ger. These guys just wanted to be among themselves. Biological men who love biological men and can have a place where they can be undisturbed. Trans feminists, male and female, immediately singled this group out as the enemy. This group is transphobic because they want to exclude others, and accordingly they have no right to exist. This is the thinking of trans feminists. What had to happened: a shitstorm was unleashed, a tsunami rolled over Twitter and the account was reported so many times until it was no longer visible in Germany. In Germany, this account is currently not displayed when people search for it. The question really arises here as to whether this was absolutely necessary. Twitter is wrong that the account has to be hidden because of German laws. There is no legal reason for this. It is the ideological reason of Twitter Germany. The tragic thing about this development is that people are becoming dumbed down and no longer think rationally. Unfortunately, there is only black-and-white thinking, and the result is that both sides become radicalized.

Was there anything else?

Those who become radicalized can no longer think rationally and logically. Blinkers on the eyes are the wrong way. I would like to see both sides simply live as they wish without getting on the other’s nerves. Live and let live is the most beautiful part of life, because then everyone can be happy in his own way. Exclusion brings no one further. Intolerance doesn’t get anyone anywhere. This applies to all sides. What the disputants forget is that democracy and opinion is the highest good we have. Some try to preserve it, the woke ideologues don’t want that. They want to undermine opinion and democracy, in some cases even destroy them. You are not allowed to criticize anything that has to do with queer or trans. You are not allowed to criticize woken feminism as a feminist. In short, you are either woke or a Nazi. That is the thinking that the woke community has.

What offends me personally about this story is that there are trans feminists who use the Shoah to spread lies. I saw a trans person on Twitter the other day claiming that there was a genocide of trans people on par with the extermination of us Jews in the concentration camps of the Third Reich. J.K Rowling is also supposedly transphobic because the leprechauns look like us Jews. That the Jewish Federations have denied this and do NOT see J.K. Rowling as anti-Semitic does not interest this person.

I wonder at this point how a person can be so brazen as to use the Shoah for something that was invented and never happened. How can one compare oneself to the victims of the Holocaust and invent a genocide against transpersons that never happened and never will happen?

I, AlexxTV am Gay! I am Jewish and I am ashamed. I don’t see myself as queer anymore. I am just Gay. I refuse to be a part of a community that is destroying everything that generations before us fought for, fought for our rights, even died in some countries so that we could have our human dignity and human rights. I refuse to be part of a community that mocks me, mocks my heritage, by using the Shoah for something that never happened and will never happen. To me, the queer feminists and trans feminists who think this way are pure and disrespectful scum who don’t deserve to be heard anymore.

Don’t listen to them, don’t fall for their deluded ideology, and stand together against this minority that wants to destroy our civilized society. Not we homosexuals, transsexuals and bisexuals are the enemy, but these deluded ideologues who believe to be something they are not. They should have no right to have a stage in public, because they harm us all as a society. And now… hate me if you want!

On that note…

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